AC/DC Measurement Capabilities
DC – 100 MHz, Current Probe Amplifier (TCPA300) uses:
DC – 100 MHz, 30 A DC (TCP312)
DC – 50 MHz, 50 A DC (TCP305)
DC – 15 MHz, 150 A DC (TCP303)
DC – 50 MHz, Current Probe Amplifier (TCPA400) Uses:
DC – 2 MHz, 750*1 A DC (TCP404XL) (500 A DC Continuous)
Automatic Scaling and Units*2 – Oscilloscope On-screen Readout of Magnitude and Amps reduces Measurement Errors with No More Hand Calculations
AC/DC Input Coupling
Low Insertion Impedance reduces Device Under Test Loading
Split-core Construction allows Easy Circuit Connection
Status Indicators provide Visual Operating Status and Notification of Potential Error Conditions – Degauss, Probe Open, Overload, Not Terminated into 50 Ω, Noncompatible Probe Type
Lower DC Drift and Noise allows Improved Low-level Current Measurements
Certified for use in U.S., Canada, and Europe. Complies with applicable IEC Standards.
Development and Analysis Solutions for Designers, Installers, and Service Personnel in ecomm, Data Comm, Computer, and Semiconductor Power Electronics Environments for:
Power Supplies (Switching and Linear)
Semiconductor Devices (SCRs, IGBTs, MOSFETs, CMOS, BJTs)
Power Inverters/Converters
Electronic Ballasts
Industrial/Consumer Electronics
Communications (Phone, Salite, Relay Stations)
Motor Drives
Transportation Systems (Electronic Vehicles, Electric Trains, Locomotives, Avionics)
The TCP300 and TCP400 Series AC/DC current measurement family is a highly advanced current measurement system for today's current measurement needs. When connected to Tektronix oscilloscopes with TEKPROBE Level II, TekConnect (w/ TCA-BNC), or TekVPI (w/ TPA-BNC) interfaces, current measurements and calculations are simple and easy.
*1 Derated with duty cycle.
*2 Requires a TDS TEKPROBE oscilloscope or a TekConnect oscilloscope with TCA-BNC.
The TCPA300 amplifier, when used with TCP312, TCP305, or TCP303 probes, provides a wide range of current measurement capability and spans the gap between low-level milliamp measurements to very high current levels. These three probes provide current measurement capabilities of 30 A, 50 A, and 150 A DC continuous. For even higher current levels, the TCPA400 amplifier with the TCP404XL current probe measures 500 A DC continuous and 750 A DC continuous, derated with duty cycle.
Higher frequency performance is available with the TCP312 w/TCPA300 providing ≥100 MHz bandwidth and a maximum current of 30 A DC.
With this new series of current measurement tools, automatic control and on-screen scaling and units is provided for users of Tektronix TDS3000, TDS500, TDS600, TDS700, TDS5000, TDS6000, and TDS7000B Series oscilloscope systems (the DPO3000, DPO4000, and DPO7000 Series oscilloscopes, the TPA-BNC adapter is required).
The TCP300/TCP400 current measurement systems seamlessly integrate with your TDS Series oscilloscope.
主营的品牌:美国泰克(Tektronix)、吉时利KEITHLEY、美国安捷伦(是德)(KEYSIGHT)、中国台湾固纬(GWinstek)、日本菊水(KIKUSUI)、日本营电(EIDEN)、日本LEVEAR,英国Aim-tti、英国比克PICO、天马TENMA、德国EA、罗德与施瓦茨R&S、英国瑞思捷LabSat、中国台湾致茂Chroma、北京普源RIGOL、优利德UNI-T, Everfine/远方等;同时我公司还有自主品牌宝码(Pro-instrument)是我司稳步发展的动力.
深圳市深东金仪器有限公司欢迎咨询0755 - 33217631 , 33217630
136-700-255-95, 135-308-518-51